My dear friends Srilekha of Me and My Kitchen , Uma of Essence of Andhara and Sripriya of Srikar's kitchen has passed me 'A GIANT BEAR HUG AWARD'. I am Very Happy to receive it from both of U.... Thanks a Ton. and a Giant big big big Hug to both of U too......
My friend JZ of Tasty Treats passed me the Yummy blog Award. Thanks a lot JZ for passing this to me.
My friend Hetal of Isha's Kitchen passed me the Nice matters blog award.I am so happy to receive this wonderful award from her,Thanks a lot....Hetal. You have a wonderful and Yummy blog and I love visiting it.
"Nice Matters Award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world.”
I would like to pass this award to..
A&N of Delectably Yours
Sripriya of Srikar's Kitchen
My views of Ruchi

My Friend Sashree has tagged me .Thanks Sashree for tagging me.I enjoyed doing it...Here are some things about me.....
2. Cleaning the house
Jobs I’ve had:
I worked as a S/W engineer and now I am full time home maker.
I would like toTag .......
If anyone from the abv list did already..then ignore this.
Congrats on your awards. Well deserved!! Thanks for thinking about me!! I feel very honored. I am on break for a few days. Enjoying summer!!:-D
Nice Meme..
Thank you Dear for thinking of me !!
and Congrats for your well deserved awards.
Thanks a ton again!
Thank you for thinking I deserved the award, Sireesha.