Monday, 3 November 2008

Chocoholic Award

Kitchen Flavors , Divya M , Ramya ,G.Pavani ,Yasmeen thinks I am a Chocoholic person and she is right also. So they honored me with I'm a Chocoholic award. Thanks a lot.

I love to pass on this award to Jaishree , shama,Arundhuti ,Srilekha , Nidhi

Congrats girls, lets spread the sweetness of Chocolate .....


  1. congrats on your award sireesha

  2. congrats on your award !!!!!!!!thank you sireesha for passing me this award..........

  3. congtats on ur award sireesha....and thank u so much for remembering me and passing the award...:-)

  4. Thanks a ton sireesha for this cute award...I really love chocolates!

  5. Congrats on ur award Sireesha...


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- Sireesha