Friday 22 August 2014

Bellam Parmannam ( Jaggery and Rice Pudding)

 Bellam Paramannam or Annam Payasam is a sweet dish which is prepared as an offering /Naivedyam to God in almost every home in Andhra. It is prepared on most special occasions and festivals. Bellam Paramannam can be served hot or cold as a dessert and is prepared with rice, milk  and jaggery and garnished with raisins and cashew nuts.It tastes lip smacking !!!


    1 cup Raw Rice washed and drained
    2 cups Milk
    2 cups water
    1 cup Jaggery (Gur) grated
    1/4 tsp Cardamom Powder
    2 tbsp Ghee
    Saffron Strands (Optional)

Procedure :-

  • Wash and drain the rice and set aside.
  • In a deep and large vessel, bring milk and water to a boil.
  • Add the rice to the milk and lower the flame.
  • Cook until the rice is very soft and mixture looks thick. OR You can also pressure cook the rice for 4 whistles.
  • Turn off the flame.
  • Lightly mash the cooked rice and keep it aside.
  • Combine the grated jaggery and 1/2 cup water in a small pan or vessel and heat up on slow flame till jaggery melts.
  • Add the cardamom powder to the jaggery water and turn off the flame.Let it cool for 3-4 minutes.
  • Now add this jaggery syrup to the cooked rice and mix very well.
  • Melt ghee in a small pan. First fry the cashews and then raisins to golden color.
  • Pour this over the rice and jaggery mixture and combine well.
  • Serve warm or cold lip smacking Bellam Parmannam  :-)

1. Don't boil parmannam once jaggery is added otherwise there is a risk that the milk will get curdled.

2.Never add hot jaggery syrup to hot milk  .The milk will curdle.

3. You can use whole 4 cups milk instead of water for richer Parmannam.

4. Save the left over Parmannam in the fridge and the next day reheat it with a cup of milk as it tends to thicken a bit and its ready to be devoured again.

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