Tuesday 9 December 2014

Chapatis / Rotis / Indian Flat Bread


 Chapatis or Rotis are the staple food  for millions of Indians.It is mostly eaten in Northern part of India. No meal is complete without them . It is commonly made with finely ground whole wheat flour. 

 Ingredients :-

For 12 Chapatis

2 cups whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta)
1 tsp oil
salt to taste
Water for kneading
whole wheat flour (gehun ka atta) for rolling


For the chapatis

1) In a mixing bowl add wheat flour, oil and salt and make a dough by adding enough water slowly.Add it only as needed. Instead of water, you can also use milk. The result is really soft Chapatis.

2) Knead the dough well.The secret to really soft Chapatis lies in the kneading. The dough must be smooth .
3) At the end add little bit of oil for very smooth dough and soft Chapatis.
4) The finished dough must be smooth. After it is done, cover and keep it aside for ½ an hour. Knead again.

5) Divide the dough into equal portions, roughly the size of a golf ball.

6)  Roll a ball with the help of a little whole wheat flour into a small circle to prevent the ball from sticking to the rolling surface. Brush oil on the surface.

7) Fold it twice to form a triangle as shown in picture.
8) Lightly coat on both sides to prevent the dough from sticking as you roll the Chapati.

9) Roll into a circle again.The size of fully rolled chapati should be 6" (150 mm. ) diameter thin rounds with the help of a little whole wheat flour. 6" is not a fixed size.
10) The rolled out Chapati must not be too thin or it will not puff when roasted.

11) Heat tava on medium flame and put the rolled chapati to Cook.

12) The Chapati is ready for its first flip when you begin to see raised bumps on its surface. Use a spatula or hand to turn it on to its other side.

13) Cook otherside also for a while.Then again flip the chapati.

14) Wait 8-10 seconds (approximately) after the second flip and then use a folded kitchen towel or spatula to gently press the Chapati around its edges. This will help it to puff out!!!
15) Now remove chapati from the tava and serve immediately or store in a container.
16) Line the container with kitchen towel or kitchen tissues to keep the Chapati warm, soft and free from moisture.


Instead of water, you can also use milk. The result is really soft Chapatis. 
Chapatis can also be  brushed with ghee (clarified butter) after being cooked.

1 comment:

  1. Indian style of preparing roti,paratha are unique...And i appreciate the Indian style only. However, I am a big failure in making rotis round...So it does not suit to....


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